Axe Your Ink: Tattoo Removal is Easier Than Ever

It seemed like a great idea years ago, but now that delicate tattoo on your ankle is beginning to fade and bleed, or that meaningful quote on your calf just doesn’t hold the same allure it used to. If you’re considering tattoo removal, you’re not alone. Americans are axing their ink in record numbers. Tattoo removal is on the rise, with the average clinic handling more than 300 removals a year, according to the National Laser Institute.
Part of the reason people are erasing their tattoos could be a more competitive job market, especially for the younger set. Millennials looking to take their first career step have unique pressures to perform and – according to a University of Tampa study that discovered 40% of its students had a tattoo – they think it could hurt their chances of getting hired.
Whatever the reason, tattoo removal is more accessible than ever, thanks to better technology that reduces the number of treatments needed, the pain, and the cost to perform them.
Here’s what you need to know:
North Dallas Dermatology is now offering tattoo removal with the new Alma Q-switched Nd:YAG laser.
According to Alma . . .
Tattoos are created by injecting colored pigment into small deep holes made in the skin. Regardless of whether a tattoo artist or an untrained individual injects the pigment, the marks or designs are relatively permanent. When people subsequently want their tattoos removed, most physicians today consider laser tattoo removal one of the best methods.
How does it work?
Today, most tattoos are created with more than one color, so most physicians looking to offer laser tattoo removal need multiple wavelengths. Laser tattoo removal technology uses ultrashort pulses to target ink particles. It works by vibrating and breaking down the ink particles in the tattoo. As the area heals, the body’s immune system flushes away the shattered ink particles, causing the tattoo to fade with minimal risk of scarring or hypopigmentation.
If you’ve been considering getting rid of a tattoo, give us a call at 214-761-8524 to set up a consultation. NDDA can help you start your new year with pigment-free skin! Appointments for NDDA’s new Alma Laser are filling up fast.

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