Ready to Get Healthy and Fit, Regain Your Energy and Recharge Your Brain? Our Wellness Adviser is Here to Help . . .

North Dallas Dermatology Associates is now offering integrative nutrition and wellness counseling to its patients and is sponsoring a new health workshop in January! If you’re feeling “flabby, foggy and fatigued” after the holidays (and who isn’t?), it’s time to get back on track.
Turn over a new leaf and make good on 2019’s resolutions with NDDA’s resident wellness adviser, Candace Stone. Join her January 11 to learn real, effective, daily practices to maintain healthy weight loss, eliminate those food cravings, decrease inflammation and more.
As a certified holistic health counselor, Candace Stone takes a whole body approach to help her clients feel and be their best. She empowers individuals with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to build a lifetime of healthy habits and ultimately transform their lives.
NDDA’s founder, Dr. Mary Hurley, said she offers NDDA patients an integrative, comprehensive approach to their skin health.
“Patients come in every day concerned about their outward appearance,” said Hurley, “but they’re not seeing the importance of nourishing their beauty from the inside out. The key to good skin health is decreasing inflammation and balancing the gut microbiome.”
NDDA is now offering patients the opportunity to address the root cause of their skin and health conditions as a complement to their dermatological services in an effort to improve their health and achieve better results.
“When you eat right, get good quality sleep, exercise and manage your stress, you decrease your body’s inflammation, improve your health, and significantly improve the look and feel of your skin. I help my clients tune into their body, take control of their health and turn back the clock naturally,” said Stone.

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