Microdermabrasion is a simple, effective, non-invasive exfoliation treatment for glowing, smooth skin. While it continues to grow bigger in the skincare industry, the procedure is still fraught with misinformation. If you’ve looked into microdermabrasion but are having a hard time separating myth from fact, take a look at some of the most common myths (and truths) associated with microdermabrasion:
MYTH: Only people with certain skin tones qualify for microdermabrasionTRUTH: Many people have come to believe a microdermabrasion won’t work for them if they have fair skin, while other think microdermabrasion is only effective on darker skin. It actually works well with every skin type or skin color that has minor skin imperfections, such as sun damage and aging, to improve the overall appearance of texture of your skin.
MYTH: Microdermabrasion is painfulTRUTH: As a non-invasive, non-chemical treatment, microdermabrasion is relatively painless, requiring no anesthesia. In fact, many patients find it to be an enjoyable experience. The procedure involves running a microdermabrasion hand piece over your skin to exfoliate the dead skin skills on the surface of your face, followed by a vibrating treatment that feels much like a massage.
MYTH: Microdermabrasion does little for your skin TRUTH: Exfoliation is easily one of the most important skin care steps you can take to achieve a smoother complexion. Microdermabrasion helps your skin renew its cells by getting rid of the old cells and debris on the superficial layer of your skin, leaving a smoother, more youthful appearance. It’s also beneficial in enhancing collagen and elastic production, treating mild acne scars, improving blood flow and treating sun-damaged skin.
MYTH: Microdermabrasion is unsafeTRUTH: Microdermabrasion is a common non-surgical procedure with minimal health risk. When performed by a dermatologist or aesthetician, microdermabrasion has an excellent safety record.
MYTH: The treatment is too time-consumingTRUTH: It may be surprising to learn that a typical microdermabrasion session takes between 15 to 30 minutes, and there is no downtime of recovery period. For some, the only after-effects experiences are dry and tight skin that may appear pink for a day or two.