SmartForks: Check Out The Perfect Kale Salad From NDDA’s Wellness Advisor

Healthy skin is beautiful skin! Check out how to make our favorite kale salad recipe from NDDA’s resident health and wellness advisor Candace Stone. When it comes to eating clean and healthy, kale packs a powerful punch. It’s chock full of nutrients good for your skin and health including Vitamins A, C, K, B6, Calcium, Potassium, Folate, Iron, and Magnesium as well as a good source of dietary fiber. The avocado provides a healthy source of fat that keeps you full and satisfied.

Kale, Avocado & Tomato Salad

+ 1 head dinosaur kale, spine removed, cut into thin strips

+ 1-2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

+ 1-2 Tbsp lemon juice (or lime juice works too!)

+ 1 tsp sea salt

+ 1 cup tomato, diced

+ 1 avocado, chopped

+ Fresh cracked black pepper (or a pinch or two of cayenne pepper)

Place thinly cut kale in a mixing bowl and add 1 TBSP of olive oil, 1 TBSP of lemon juice and 1 tsp of sea salt. Using clean hands (remove all jewelry), start massaging the ingredients to wilt the kale for about 3-4 minutes. Then add the avocado and tomato and mash with your hands a bit more, but not too much – it’s nice to see the chunks of avocado and tomato. Taste and add more lemon juice, salt and pepper as needed. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Want a personalized wellness plan? Call 214-301-0898 to make a consultation appointment with Candace at NDDA. And get more great nutrition tips over at where you can also sign up for her newsletter.

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